1) Internal polymer battery stores power for whenever you need it;
2) 8000mAh portable battery conveniently charge while on the go;
3) Inside micro computer control for this portable battery charger;
4) Low static power consumption, fashionable and portable, welcome OEM;
5) payLarge current output and high convert efficiency;
6) Stop outputting automatically once MID/Mobile phones full charged;
ווייזן 193
ווייזן 193
ווייזן 193
1. 12V מיני מאַכט באַנק מאַשין שפּרינגען אָנהייב
2. 8000מאַה
3. 131*75*24מם
4. אָפּצאָל פֿאַר סעלפאָון יפּאַד פּספּ אַפּאַראַט
portable mobile phone solar charger
white color in blister packaging