sifatini tekshiring
1. Barcha xomashyo va aksessuarlari barcha malakasiz materiallari darhol rad mahsulotlar muassasalarini kirib tekshirib yoki sinov bo'lishi kerak.
2. Biz har bir mahsulot liniyasi uchun sifat nazorati test va tahlil ta'minlash
3. Ishchilar ishchi tomonidan birinchi nazorat qilinadi, har bir kunning texnik hujjatlar birinchi bir necha mahsulot muvofiq bu mahsulotlarni ishlab chiqarish, keyin biz to'liq sifat inspektori tomonidan. Mass ishlab chiqarish irodasi mahsulotlar solingan bo'lsa faqat boshladi va tekshirish o'tgan.
4. ommaviy ishlab chiqarish davomida, Shaxsiy vaqti-vaqti bilan, randomize test ta'minlash uchun mahsulotlarni nazorat qiladi.
5. Ular ishlab chiqarish keyingi bosqichi uchun ko'chib o'tishga qodir oldin KK jamoasi to'liq tekshirish va ehtiyot qismlar spot tekshiriladi yo'q
6. Tayyor mahsulotlar, ular sifat bizning darajasiga javob ishonch hosil tekshiriladi
7. marketing bo'limi Sifat fikringiz tez va samarali,keyin o'sha natijalari tez dizayn yaxshilandi va tuzatishlar tez sodir imkonini beradi Texnik va QC idoralar uzatiladi.
Bizning Power banklar viktorina standartlari
xususiyatlari sinov:
buyum |
test usuli |
talablar |
Zaryadlash / kesib-off kuchlanish |
4.20± 0.01V |
Ulfatlarim / kesib-off kuchlanish |
3.00± 0.01V |
Standard Qo'lga |
4.2V erishish uchun 0.2C doimiy oqim da batareya zaryad. So'ngra doimiy 4.2V kuchlanish da batareya qadar haq , 0.01C uchun kamaytirish zaryad joriy. |
zaryadlash time≤8h |
Standart ulfatlarim |
standart yechilgandan so'ng,uchun dam olish 1 soat keyin ado, 3.0V 0.2C uchun |
Rate ulfatlarim |
standart yechilgandan so'ng,uchun dam olish 1 soat keyin ado, 3.0V 0.5C uchun |
zaryadsizlantirish time≥102Min |
Yuqori harorat xususiyatlari |
to'liq zaryadlash, ularni saqlash (55± 2)℃ uchun 2 soat, keyin 3.0V @ 0.5C uchun ado |
vaqt ≥102 Min tushirish , Yo'q, o'zgartirmoq, hech portlash,hech qanday yong'in,hech oqish |
Past harorat xususiyatlari |
To'liq zaryadlash, ularni saqlash (-10± 2)℃ uchun 16-24 soat, keyin 3.0V @ 0.2C uchun ado |
vaqt ≥255 Min tushirish, Yo'q, o'zgartirmoq, hech portlash,hech qanday yong'in,hech oqish |
Imkoniyatlar saqlash |
to'liq zaryadlash, ularni saqlash (20± 2)℃ uchun 28 kun, keyin 3.0V 0.2C uchun ado |
vaqt ≥255 Min tushirish,Yo'q, o'zgartirmoq, hech portlash,no fire,no leakage |
Cycle Life 25℃ |
Charge the battery @0.5C to reach 4.2V. Then charge the, battery at constant 4.2V voltage until the charging current, decreasing to 0.01C. Rest for 10 min. discharge to 3.0V 0.5C and rest for 10 min. Continue the charge/discharge cycles until discharge capacity lower than 80% of rated capacity |
Cycle life ≥500 |
Storage |
Charge the battery to 40%~65% of its rated capacity using, standard charging mode, then keep it in an 20℃±5℃, humidity 45%~85% room for 12 months. Discharge it 0.2C until voltage down to 3.0V |
Discharge time ≥240Min |
Environment Characteristics:
Item |
Testing Method |
Requirements |
Hot & humidity testing |
Full charging, store it at 40±2℃ with 90%~95RH% for 48 hours. Then put the battery at room temperature 20±2℃ for 2 hours. Then discharge to 3.0V 0.5C |
Discharging time ≥72 Min no transform, No erosion, no explosion,no fire,no leakage |
Vibration |
After Standard Charging,fixed the battery to vibration table,then subjected to vibration test for 30 minutes per axis of XYZ axes |
No explosion,no fire, no leakage. Voltage≥3.7V. |
Shock test |
After Standard Charging,test condition Acceleration :100m/s2 Crash time per min: 40-80 times, Pulse lasting time : 16ms , Shock times : 1000±10times |
No explosion, no fire, no leakage. Voltage≥3.7V. |
Drop Test |
After standard charging , drop the battery from 100cm, height onto a 18mm~20mm thick hardwood. Two sides of X,Y,Z directions each (total 6 times) After the drop test, discharge the battery 0.5C to 3.0V Then charge it 0.5C to full capacity. Continue the test within 3 times the battery should reach the target once |
Discharging time ≥102 Min No erosion, no explosion,no fire,no leakage |
Safety Performance
Overcharge protection test |
After standard charging. Apply a 7.4V stable Voltage and 1C stable current to the battery for 8 hours |
No fire, no explosion |
Over discharge protection test |
After discharged to the cut-off voltage,the battery shall be subjected to a short-circuit condition with a load of resistance less than 30Ω for 24 hours |
No fire, no explosion |
Short circuiting protection test |
After standard charging,the battery shall be subjected to a short-circuit condition with a wire of resistance less than 100mΩ for 1 hour. Cut off the circuit, Charge the battery with constant current at 1.0C for 5s |
No fire, no explosion, Voltage≥3.7V |
Impact Test |
After standard charge,Place the battery on a flat surface. A 9.1 kg article is to be dropped from a height of 100cm onto the sample. The battery is allowed to transform |
No fire, no explosion |
Heating Test |
After standard charging,a battery is to be heated in an oven convection or circulating air oven. The temperature of the oven is to be raised at a rate of 5±2℃/min to a temperature of 130±2℃ and last for 30 minutes. |
No fire, no explosion |
Over charge |
After standard charging, put the battery in fume hood. Add constant voltage & current 4.8V 3C to the battery. Charging it until the battery reaches 4.8V, charging current decreases to almost 0A. Record the temperature curve of the battery. When the battery temperature decreases to about 10℃ lower after reaching the peak temperature. End the test. This test is performed without PCM |
No fire, no explosion |
Short circuiting test |
After standard charging, put the battery in fume hood. Connect the Negative Pole and Positive pole directly. (the wire’s resistance should below 50mΩ. Record the battery’s temperature curve during the test. When the battery temperature decreases to about 10℃ lower after reaching the peak temperature. End the test. This test is performed without PCM |
Safety Performance
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