1. 12V mini quvvatli bankda avtoulovni sakrashni boshlash
2. 8000Mah
3. 131*75*24mm
4. mobil telefon ipad PSP kamerasi uchun to'lov
1.109 ko'rsatilmoqda: 109 ko'rsatilmoqda . 109 ko'rsatilmoqda
2.109 ko'rsatilmoqda: zavod narx & 109 ko'rsatilmoqda & 109 ko'rsatilmoqda
3.109 ko'rsatilmoqda : 109 ko'rsatilmoqda
50193 ko'rsatilmoqda (193 ko'rsatilmoqda + 193 ko'rsatilmoqda)
193 ko'rsatilmoqda ( 193 ko'rsatilmoqda 18650 193 ko'rsatilmoqda )
1.Eng yaxshi ko'chma mobil zaryadlovchi 12000MAh quvvat banki
2.Yuqori quvvatli bank
3.Zavod narxi
portable mobile phone solar charger
white color in blister packaging
1 press TEST to detect residual electric quantity detection switch
2 use of high-quality environmental protection of lithium ion batteries, 500 cycles of charge and discharge capacity is larger than 80%
3 use of simple, plug-and-play, tashish oson
4 intelligent protection chip: ortiqcha to'lash, overdischarge protection, haddan ortiq yuk muhofaza qilish, qisqa tutashuv muhofaza qilish
Portable Power bank/dual usb output high quality phone power bank with lcd display