Tswv yim:AC100-220V
Tag nrho cov zis:8A/25W
Tshaj li:rau iPhone / rau iPad/Cell Phone/ntsiav tshuaj/yees/Mp3/MP4/GPS
Kev pab tiv thaiv: Overvoltage, Overcurrent, Overheating,Luv Circuits.
Raws li cov: 165*136*50 hli
Tso zis: 8000mA, 5V3A 9V1.6A 12V1.2A
Yuag:270G (xws li pob)
Siv qhov (socket):UK,PEB,EU,AU,U.S. ntsaws qhov (socket)
USB ntse Charger tis:
Ntse ceev xwb,
ntse converter
kev qhia kom paub tswv
kev pab tiv thaiv kees
1.Ntse converter
(Overturn tshuaj ib qho kev them hom, ntse kho sai tam sim no,
Independent phim koj cov ntaus ntawv.
2.Ntse tshaj
(Nyob tau tshaj rau ntiaj teb no 99% cov pab kiag li lawm ,lub neej yooj yim)
3.Kev qhia kom paub tswv
(Plhuav nrhiav tau 99% ntawm neeg ntiaj teb cov, ntse them)
4.Ntse ceev xwb
(Ceev xwb, muaj tej yam tshwj xeeb tsis muaj kev txhawj txog txawb cov xov tooj uas tsis muaj hluav taws xob)
5.kev pab tiv thaiv txoj kev ntse
(PTC thermal tamsis no ho tiv thaiv tshuab innovation,
muab xaus rau them tsis ruaj ntseg muab zais)
6. Tsom xam pom:
plhaub adopts lub siab kub resistant fireproof khoom tawg yooj yim,
yog tsis ua hauj lwm kev ceev ilv, qhov chaw polishing kho, muaj kev cog lus thiab fashionable thiab zoo nkauj)
7.Kab ntsab them: 1 m fais fab tuag ntev qaum, tsam uas neeg nyob lub tsev, chaw ua hauj lwm, mus saib dawb xwb mobile.)
8. 7 txheej ruaj ntseg them thaiv mechanism
(Super tus lawm tam sim no, pem voltage, luv Circuit Court, lawm xwb, to, overheat,
dua zog tiv thaiv, innovation ntawm tus PTC thermal tamsis no ho tiv thaiv pom, ruaj ntseg.)
(Tam sim no ho tiv thaiv )
(Kev pab tiv thaiv overheating)
(Kev pab tiv thaiv Circuit Court luv)
(Kev pab tiv thaiv overvoltage)
(Tam sim no ho tiv thaiv)
9.Them,sai ,Safer Smart fast charging technology
Ceev them yog lub hauv paus uas cov neeg siv yav tom ntej)
(Ntse them converter tshuab, yuav yooj yim paub cov khoom qauv,
tsis siv neeg txuam cov chaw zoo, them ceev nyhuv zoo tshaj.)
10.30% sai them
11.Qhov taw qhia LED(Du xiav LED fais fab teeb ntawm tej cuab yeej siv ua hauj lwm rau lawv, yooj yim, mos ntsuab tsis dazzling.)
12.fais fab zoo mov
(Built-in overvoltage, nyob tam sim no to thiab luv Circuit Court thaiv module,
raws li txoj cai lub CE, FCC, CCC, SAA&Daim ntawv no PSE,
muaj kev xyuam xim rau khoom)
13.Ntse tshaj
(Muaj zog super compatibility, txhawb cov coupons qhov interface los ntawm ntse tes thiab ntsiav tshuaj USB)
14.Siv Scene
Mus ncig teb chaws: txoj kev zoo nkauj ntawm qhov scenery, koj thiab koj cov txom nyem zog, muaj feem xyuam rau koj mus ob peb vas,koj ua raws li qhov uas?
Peb lawm

Dawb Enquiry rau 5 Ports QC 2.0 5V8A 50W USB duab ceev Charger EU lossis teb chaws Asmeskas Plug
Txog tej hwj huam yuam kom them nyiaj los ntawm Hengye Electronics
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