- Id-dimensjoni: 106*63*22.5mm
- Piż: 200g
- Kapaċità: 10000mah
- Port ta' barra: DC 5V 1A
- Input: DC 5V 1A, 5V/1A
- Tip ta' Sokit: Usb
- L-isem: Power bank for promotion
- Materjal tal-qoxra: PLASTIK ABS
- Charging port: Mikro USB
- Produzzjoni (output): 5V/1A
- Life time: aktar minn 500 darbiet
- design logo: Available
- Support device: telefown ċellulari,table pc,MP3,PSP,ect
- Tip ta ' batterija: Lithium polymer
- Input charging time: 10 siegħa
1.Design: Ikkulurit
2.Użu: One button to control on/off
3.Imported batteries production, long after the 500 – cycle can guarantee more than 80% of the electricity
4. The intelligent automatic short circuit protection design
5.4 LED lights display power, precise display battery power
6. the mirror surface processing craft, appearance is beautiful and easy, highlight the grade.
Charging & Battery Life
1. Short charging time and low self-discharging rate
2. Rechargeable for over 500 darbiet
3. Standby for three months when it is fully charged.
1. Protection against over current, ħlas żejjed, fuq l-iskariku, overheating and short circuit.
2. Passing over 60 test items before launching into market.
iPhone, iPad, iPod, Telefowns ċellulari, MP3/4, PSP, GPS and game consoles etc.
1. Battery Cell: lithium battery cell
2. Kapaċità: 10000mAh
3. Input: DC 5V/ 1A
4. Produzzjoni (output): DC 5V/ 1A
5. Ħin tal-i ċċarġjar: 3~4 times for iphone as referenced
6. Piż: 200g
7. Id-dimensjoni: 106*63*22.5mm
8. Il-kulur: Oranġjo, Bajda, purple and others
9. Operating Temperature: -10°C-50°C
10. Ippakkjar: Blister box
11. Charging cable: 1 USBA-MICRO5P (40Ċm)
12. Ċertifikat: CE, FCC,RoHS
13. Garanzija: 12 xhur
14. Socket type: Usb
Iċ-ċertifikazzjonijiet tagħna
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