With this product, you can charge most of laptops,cellphones, kameras diġitali, MP3, MP4 etc. Based on the lithium polymer battery’s advantages of longerrechargeable life,lightin weightandmore safe.
In addition, this product can be charged not only byhomeelectricity but also by sunlight any time, anywhere.
Key Specifications/Special Features:
1.Suitable forlaptops,Mobile Phones, Digital Cameras,MP3/MP4 Player and other similar products.
2.Elaborateand fashion.
3. Small size, light andeasy carrying.
4.The diameters of the product’s input and output ports are different which will avoid the problem of inserting plugs wrongly.
5.Smart protection chip: iċċarġjar żejjed, over-discharge, overload, short-circuit and capacity indication.
6.This product has 5 output ports: 4 DC ports, 1 USB ports
Product’s parameter:
- Kapaċità tal-batterija inkorporata: 230000mAh/ 3.7V(Li-Pol batteries)
- Solar panel: 16V /2.5W
- Input current: 800mA
- Input voltage: 12.6V DC
- Vultaġġ tal-ħruġ: 5.5V ,11.1V,16V,19,24DC
- Kurrent tal-ħruġ: 500~4000mA
- Piż: 815g
The function of the output:
1.USB output:It mainly supplies power for such pruducts as Mobile Phones, Digital Cameras and so on.
2.DC11.1V:It mainly supplies power for pc adapter which voltage of 12 V or the similar electronics with the same voltage.
3.DC16V:It mainly supplies power for pc adapter which voltage of 16 V or the similar electronics with the same voltage.
4.DC19V :It mainly supplies power for pc adapter which voltage of 19V or the similar electronics with the same voltage.
5.DC24V :It mainly supplies power for pc adapter which voltage of 24V or the similar electronics with the same voltage.
Operation steps:
·Plug in the USB to the USB port of this device, and plug into the other end to the power supply
·Plug in the DC plug to the DC port of this device, and plug into the other end to the power supply matched the adapter.
Solar charging Instructions : The product focus on the sunlight, open the solar panels, or near the light source, meanwhile SOLAR INDICATOR LED red light is on, means in charging,
1.We recommend removing the pc batteries before using this product, thereby increasing the use of time. If you want to test the use of standby time, be sure to remove the pc batteries
2. Do not open the productcasewithout authorization.
3. Keep the product away from rain or water.
4. Keep the product away from fire/stove/oven.
5. If intended not to use the device in a long period (like half year,) please first discharge, then recharge, and then store.
6.In order to avoid Incorrect Insertion, distinguish four DC output with color : Blue stickers denotes 11.1 V, green stickers denotes 16 V, yellow stickers denotes 19 V, red stickers denotes 24 V.
Storage of the products:
1. Storage in the clean, cool and dry environment.
2. Keep the product away from fire, water,andcorrosivemattersduringconveyance or storage.
Standard device/accessories:
1.Solar Notebook PC Charger x1
2. Connect wire x2
3.Adapter x1
4.Cell phone adapter x6
5.PC adapter x13
6. Operation manual x1
Iċ-ċertifikazzjonijiet tagħna

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