1.100% brand new and high quality
2.Built-in 20000mAh high capacity rechargeable Li-Ion battery.
Powerful with long operation time.
3.With 8 Konnetturi, be compatible with iPhone, iPad, iPod,USB Digital Devices and most cell phones..
4.4 LED indicator light show,at any time control power
5.With High output LED flashlight fucntion!
6.Long lifespan,aktar minn 1000 times the charging and discharging protection
With adavanced intelligent protection chip,the overcharge protection,discharge protection,overload protection,short circuit protection,
7.leakage protection,and five heavy security protection,very safe to usePartable, practical and long cycle life.
8.Sikuri u affidabbli, perfect for using on travelling and outdoor activities.
1. Three USB output, screen show State of charger, at any time control power.
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Mistoqsija b'xejn għal 3 USB 20000mah backup Power Bank For mobile phone Backup power
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