1. 100% Brand New With High Quality
2. Widely compatible With Smart Mobile and All 5V digital devices
3. High Quality Li-Polymer / Li-ion Battery,Fuq 500 times life Cycle.
4. Safe,Reliable,Perfect for Using on Travelling and outdoor activities.
5. Low Resistance and Energy Saving
6. Customer Logo in Print
Muti-protection MCU control, Short circuit protection, Automatic power down,
Protezzjoni kontra l-ħlas żejjed; Protezzjoni ta' over-discharge; Over-load protection ; Shortage protection.
User friendly A grade battery cell, barnd is optional according to your requirement
Strict quality control system
1.Solar pannel:0.8W
3.LED life:>10000siegħa
bank tal-enerġija sucker bi stand tat-telefon, banek tal-enerġija b'sucker, L-aħjar promozzjoni rigali bank enerġija 2600mah