Napa Pilih us?

Kita wis digawe ing bank-bank daya luwih saka 7 taun ,kita lagi salah siji sing paling ngalami pabrik ing AERA iki .Aku tak akeh Tropi kanggo pabrik.

Hubungi kita


Ngatur bank-bank Power

Langsung Saka China Factory! email [email protected]


If you want to make custom Power banks with your logo, below you can find the 3 step from manufacture’s view ,it’s easy.

Power bank Models
kapasitas & Quantity
Imprint & packing

Browse the category and find models

Tell us your favorite capacity & Quanity

Confirm the imprint & Packing requirement

1. Find favorite model of Power banks. You can browse our category , we have hundreds of power banks models , from mini power banks, slim power banks kanggo multi-functon power banks , multi port power banks; from 1000bank daya mah kanggo 50,000bank daya mah. When you found it ,just click themake a free enquiry for this product

if you want to make a fully customize power banks ,such as your logo shape power banks case, please contact us , our experienced designer & Engineer with help you from the Concept –> Design & Engineering –>Final products.

2.Choose the capacity & Quantity.The capacity of power banks can be 1,000mah to 50,000mah, higher capacity ,higher price. Luwih saka 80% of our customer choose 3000mah to 12,000mah. Usually our MOQ is 100pcs , and our production capacity is 30,000pcs per day.

3. Imprint and Packing. Just tell us your choice from the listing , we’ll do everything else for you till delivery to your location.

Some Brand cases we serviced:



kanggo mbusak kaca iki lan nggawe kaca anyar kanggo isi sampeyan

kanggo mbusak kaca iki lan nggawe kaca anyar kanggo isi sampeyan.*

Tuku saka kita bisa njaluk rega lan kualitas paling apik barang. ×
Yen kita kantun deadline kapal sarujuk lan sampeyan wis mlebu mati kriya ing wektu - banjur supaya gratis. Ora pitakonan. ×
kriya printing Free. ×
Kanggo jumlah cilik ,biasane kita bisa delivery ésuké pembayaran. Kanggo barang selaras, biasane kita bisa ngirim metu produk ing 7 dina karya. ×