pangisi daya surya portebel 23000mAh kanthi kecepatan tinggi anyar, pangisi daya bank daya surya smartphone
– Check the input voltage and ampere as shown on your device,manual or contact the manufacturer of your device for respective information.
– Connect the charger to any power socket with the AC power Cord. The Power LED will go on.
– Connect the USB charger and your device with a matching calble.
– For use with information technology equiment only
– This device may not cause harmful interference.
– Indoor use only, avoid using this product near wet or high temperature areas.
– Keep this product away from children and infants.
– Do not modify or disassemble this product.
6000bank daya mAh dual USB
2.dibangun ing sel impor
3.output dual USB
1. Model pribadi, Undhangan khusus, raos apik
2. Pengerjaan alus banget
3. Bank daya fashion kanggo telpon, kamera,mp3, mp4, lan piranti digital liyane.
4. Power bank internal nglindhungi sirkuit nglawan arus listrik, panas banget lan voltase banget, bisa njamin keamanan.
5. Bank daya kanthi bobot entheng lan ukuran cilik, gampang kanggo nindakake listrik tipis nganggo kabel
2.batre polimer kualitas dhuwur
3.tatanan alus
4.loro kabel bulit ing
1. Regane pabrik
2. Urip nganti 500 kaping siklus
3. Rincian tampilan LCD
4. Desain pribadi