1. 12V leum leum càr banca cumhachd beag
2. 8000Mah
3. 131*75*24mm
4. cosgais airson camara PSP fòn cealla ipad
1.goireasach: Large scope of charging enable you to charge for any devices from small capacity to big capacity . suitable for almost all the devices
2.Economical: factaraidh prìs & quality ensure & fast delivery time
3.Safety : Stable performance and 1year warranty
50PCS / bhogsa (neutral pasgadh + cosgais loidhne)
airson ( Ceàrdach a ghabhas a eirmseach Power Banks LCD Battery Power Banca 2200mah 18650 Li-ion Cell )
1.Banca cumhachd charger gluasadach 12000MAh as fheàrr
2.Banca cumhachd comas àrd
3.factaraidh prìs
portable mobile phone solar charger
white color in blister packaging
1 brùth TEST gus suidse lorg meud dealain a tha air fhàgail a lorg
2 cleachdadh dìon àrainneachd àrd-inbhe de bataraidhean lithium-ion, 500 tha cearcallan cosgais agus comas sgaoilidh nas motha na 80%
3 cleachdadh sìmplidh, plug-and-play, furasta a ghiùlan
4 chip dìon tuigseach: overcharge, dìon overdischarge, cus dìon, goirid cuairt dìon
Portable Power bank/dual usb output high quality phone power bank with lcd display