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Pertsonalizatu Power banku

Zuzenean China Factory aurrera! Emaila sale@cnpowerbanks.com

USB berriz kargatzeko eskua beroago power banku 3 in 1 Funtzio

$19.00 $13.50

0 berrikuspena  |  Idatzi berrikuspena
Kopurua deskontuak
1-4 5-9 10-99 100-499 500-1000 1001-10000 10001+
$13.50 $12.83 $12.15 $11.48 $10.80 $10.53 $10.13

aforoa : 8800/10400mAh

Battery Cell : 18650 Li-ion battery × 4PCS

Etching Heating Film : 3.7W 4PCS

Irteera : standard USB with 5V 2A(MAX)

Sarrerako : Micro USB with 5V 1.5A(MAX)

LED lanpara : 1 Walt ( 3W available)

Unit Dimension: 43*43*93mm

Material : Aluminiozko & Plastikoa


3-in-1 electric hand warmer power bank flashlight Feature


1 Super light 1W or 3W LED torch, lighting distance more than 50 meter,Using time more than 10 ordu

2 Hand warmer, 2 heat mode, lower one temperature about 42 Gradu, High mode about 47 Gradu

3 Output 5V 2A (Max) could charge mobile phone, Tablets PC, PSP, GPS, Cameras and more

4 3pcs blue indicators show power level

5 1 red LED indicators show the working state

6 Auto testing and charging , Auto power off when devices’ battery charging full

7 Battery recycling time more than 500 aldiz.

8 Alarm function( optional ) for emergencies.


Heat mode Maximum temperature Average temperature Duration time
Low temperature 44º C 42º C About 220 minutu
High temperature 49º C 47º C About 180 minutu

Mark: Testing under the environment temperature at 8-10°C


3-in-1 electric hand warmer charger flashlight Operations


1.Battery power check

At OFF mode,press the button one time, or when the unit is ON, the power indictors will show the power of the unit:

1 blue indicator means the power is not full, 2 blue indicators mean the power is half, 3 blue indicators show that the

power is full


2.How to charge the unit itself?

Connect the Micro USB + USB kablea + Adaptor

Connect Micro USB + USB kablea + USB port on laptop / Computer.

When charging 3 blue indicators will be lighting one by one, indicators keep lighting when charging full.


3.How to charge your digital products?

This product got Auto testing and charging function. Connect USB port + USB kablea + your product ( cell phone, mobile

phone, iPad, etab), when Blue and red LED lighting on, the product start charging your product. Produce will be power off

when devices’ battery charging full.

(When your devices are connected to the power bank but can’t be charged, please click the on/off button.)



Electric Hand warmer methods

1. There are three steps, O means OFF. L means low temperature. H means High temperature. It starts to warm as

soon as you turn on the product. It is easier and more convenient than the stove.

2. Low temperature modeAt low temperature mode ,turn the weitch to L, the red indicator flash slow ,the temperature is

controlled within 45C; At the same time. The indicator indicate the battery power.

3. Higt temperature modeAt low temperature mode ,turn the weitch to H .the indicator flash fast ,the temperature is

controlled within 49C. At the same time. The indicator indicate the battery power.


Super birght LED torch

Any mode, press the on/off button twice turn on; press twice again turn off.


Emergency Alarm function ( optional )

Press the on/off button three times, the torch will be on and flashing turn on the alarm function; Press on/off button three

times again, the Alamr function turn off

Ontziak & Bidalketa

electric hand warmer Accessories and Packaging:

Connectors × 4( mobile phone 30Pin,Mini USBa,mikro USB,PSP)

USB cable × 1

PVC tray × 1

Window gift paper box × 1 (Transparent Crystal box packing optional )



1. Please do not expose to high temperature or fire.

2. Please keep the Hand Warmer away from water and other liquid.

3. Prevent USB port and plug from short-circuits, or it will lead to failure to work.

4. Children use this product under adult’s guide. And during they use it, you should make sure that children use this

product in the proper ways.

5. On the storage, the hand warmer should be kept in cold and dry condition and kept away from fire and other heat

sources. To keep the good quality of it, the hand warmer should be charged one time every three months. Keep the

product in a good condition.

Gure Ziurtagiriak


Free Enquiry for USB rechargeable hand warmer power bank 3 in 1 Funtzio

Zure izena (beharrezkoa)

Zure emaila (beharrezkoa)

Zure mezua

Ordena Power banku inguru guztia Hengye Electronics aurrera


1. Produktuak EMS.DHL.UPS.Fedex bidez datorrena, airez, itsasoz edo zure China birbidaltzaile to.
2. Dropshipping zerbitzua eskaintzen dugu.
3. 5 egunetan entrega ordainketa jasotzeko Kopurua du 1000pcs baino txikiagoa baldin bada, eta ez da produktu pertsonalizatuak gainean.
4. Inportazio karguak edo tasak erosleak erantzukizuna dira.


1. T / T Banku transferentzia onartzen dugu,PayPal ,Western Union eta
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3. No ordainketa bilketa. ondasun bakarra dugu entregatu ahal ordainketa osoa lortu ondoren


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