Zergatik aukeratu gurekin?

egin genuen baino botere ertzean gehiago 7 urte ,gehien bizi bat ari gara Aera honetan fabrikatzen Ditugu lortu Trofeoa asko fabrikatzen for.


Jarri gurekin harremanetan


Pertsonalizatu Power banku

Zuzenean China Factory aurrera! Emaila [email protected]

About Us

Hengye Electronics Limited is a high technology manufacturer focus on the power banks productions and innovative productions. We established in 2004 and get very high reputation from our customers because of our reliable quality and the punctual lead time. We have a very strict quality control system, All the productions need to be inspected before the shipment. We have a very skillful engineer department who has rich experience in this field. We are very good at making the customer’s new creation. Our productions are workable to comply CE,ROHS,EN71 certification. Most of our productions export to USA, Europa, Asia and South America.

Fabrikaren helbidea :
Helbidea: Eraikin 3 , Hekang industria parkea , Wuhe South Road , Bantian , Longgang , Shenzhen , Txina






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